A surprisingly easy way to learn more about Jesus and why people can’t live without him.

Welcome to your starting point for an enjoyable read through the books of Luke & Acts! Together, we will read a well-researched, eye-witness account of the life that changed all of history… and, for many of us, even still changes our lives today.

We will ask questions like:

  • Why do people still believe in Jesus?
  • What was he like?
  • How did he lead and teach his followers?
  • Why does any of this matter now?
  • Let’s explore these questions together!

Register Today

Support + Accountability
Easy + Consistent Progress
Resources + Community

"So many others have tried their hand at putting together a story of the wonderful harvest of Scripture and history that took place among us, using reports handed down by the original eyewitnesses who served this Word with their very lives. Since I have investigated all the reports in close detail, starting from the story’s beginning, I decided to write it all out for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can know beyond the shadow of a doubt the reliability of what you were taught." 
- Luke 1


If you are local, come to The Crossing’s campus Feb. 4, 11, & 18th to receive a hardcopy of the “Immerse” book. It’s a unique way to read through Luke and Acts as if they were a letter written to our community. ($5 suggested donation)

If you are not nearby, you can use a Bible or the Youversion app to read along.

Register Today

You’ll receive:

  1. A link to weekly emails with support, enjoyable insights, and encouragement as you read.
  2. Access to a weekly zoom “Book Club” to connect with others and learn more with your pastors (Thursdays at 12p pst and recorded if you can’t make it).
  3. If you’re local, join a Small Group on our campus. It’s like a book club for the Bible where you make friends and learn together. Find out more here!

"Luke provides eyewitness reports of Jesus’ life and ministry and Acts picks up with real-life accounts of the early church. When read together, the books help us explore the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and discover God’s vision for a whole new humanity."

-The Bible Project

We are so excited to read through the amazing books of Luke and Acts with you so thank you for signing up to do so!  We expect the amazing stories of Jesus’s life found in Luke will inspire you to pursue Him with more passion and commitment. Then in Acts, those stories continue with examples of how to live as Christians and be the kind of people Jesus wants us to be: loving, kind, service minded, community focused and courageous followers of Him!  Woohoo! Let’s go! Email  with any questions!

Register Today

Finally, welcome to the bottom of the page! If you’re here because you registered but can’t find the email with the resources, coming back to this landing page was a good idea! 

Zoom Luke & Acts Book Club (Thursdays at 12p pst)

Reading Plan (download a digital copy of the reading plan)

Week 1: February 12-16

Bible: Luke 1-9:50

Immerse: Pages 3 to 27

Week 2: February 19-23

Bible: Luke 9:51-19:27

Immerse: Pages 28 to 47+

Week 3: February 26-29

Bible: Luke 19:28-Luke 24

Immerse: Pages 47+ to 59

Week 4: March 4-8

Bible: Acts 1-9:31

Immerse: pages 61 to 77+

Week 5: March 11-15

Bible: Acts 9:32-16:5

Immerse: pages 77+ to 89+

Week 6: March 18-22

Bible: Acts 16:6-Acts 28

Immerse: pages 89+ to 110

* The little + signs? They are found midway down those pages. If there’s no + on the reading, just read to the bottom of the page.