We partner with local non-profits and churches to make the biggest impact in our schools, in homelessness, and in our own neighborhoods. Check out how you can get involved.
volunteer opportunities in costa mesa

We believe love is an action and we demonstrate our love for others by serving in our church, in our community, and our world.

We support partners, ministries, and churches that are engaged in healthy and impactful outreach to help restore relationships between: self and God, self and self, self and others, and self and creation. Our service is rooted in learning, encouraging, and fellowship with people inside and outside the church. God uses your service to help others and grow you.

Be a part of something bigger than yourself! Discover your next step in how to have a greater impact with others. Explore our outreach opportunities for both local and global impact or reach out to our outreach department today.


At The Crossing, we are committed to making a difference in our neighborhood. We believe that God has called us to make a difference right where we are, in the City of Costa Mesa. There are a variety of ways to get involved in our city that occur throughout the calendar year.

If you’d like more information, reach to our Outreach Pastor, John by emailing .

email john emigh


Education - We know that education is a key foundation for a solid start in life. We maintain partnerships with several different schools ranging across all ages k-12 in the Newport-Mesa Unified School district.

If you’d like to get more involved, please contact our Outreach Pastor, John by emailing

Email John Emigh


Education - We know that education is a key foundation for a solid start in life. We maintain partnerships with several different schools ranging across all ages k-12 in the Newport-Mesa Unified School district.

If you’d like to get more involved, please contact our Outreach Pastor, John by emailing

Email john emigh


Prayer is the foundation of everything we do at The Crossing. We are convinced that through prayer and action, we can make the world a better place. If you need prayer, please feel free to email

If you’d like to participate in one of our prayer events, or be on the prayer team, please email

Email clarke brogger


The issue of homelessness is multifaceted. Therefore, we know that the solutions will also be the same. One of the ways we know to be effective is through the intentional cultivation of relationships.

If you are curious about homelessness or would like to be part of the solution, please email

Email JOhn Emigh


The issue of homelessness is multifaceted. Therefore, we know that the solutions will also be the same. One of the ways we know to be effective is through the intentional cultivation of relationships.

If you are curious about homelessness or would like to be part of the solution, please email

Email John emigh



In Our Community

If you have any questions or want more info please contact Outreach.