Starting January 5th
Sunday Service Times: 9a, 10:30a & 12p


God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
Ephesians 3:20-21

It just so happens that you are part of The Crossing at a monumental moment. We believe God is placing an opportunity before each of us at a legacy-creating time. Only a few of these come around and we are honored to be in this together. Watch the video or read below, to hear more and find out how you can help. 

Questions? Email Andrew

 Where We’ve Been

Our church has always had this belief: ALL people matter to God. If you were around in the early days, you know our church started in this little a-frame building in 1988. And as our community grew, we outgrew that little building. So one day, our church stepped out in faith and we moved from what was safe and comfortable to this new plot of land.


From there we had land, but no buildings. So we did church in a tent. And God still moved, God still worked. People served, people sacrificed and lives continued to be changed.

Then in the early 2000s our founding pastor Tim looked around our church and realized that while we preach “all people matter to God,” our church back then was almost exclusively white/middle class/college educated. So while we said, “all people matter to God,” our church didn’t reflect that belief. 

And in that season, we made a decision: if we are going to say that all people matter to God, we need to be a place for all people.  

So we became intentional about how we did ministry, who we hired, how we led. Everything in our church shifted to be a place where everyone was invited - where everyone could hear about the God who loves, the God who saves.  

In that season, The Crossing in Español was born and now we celebrate every year that we are one church in two languages. We celebrate that this church is a church that is reaching our city and community.  

Change is an important part of a healthy church. And we are excited to be at another big moment of change.

 Where We’re Going

God has been moving and bringing more and more people to The Crossing. So far this year, we have baptized 176 people. The last Sunday in September, we had 76% more people than we did a year ago! Each person matters to God. As we’ve been watching God do even more than we can ask or imagine, we realized it’s time to make the step to add a third Sunday service.

And just like the people in that little a-frame building stepped out of their comfort zone into the empty new plot of land to serve and sacrifice, we will do the same. We do it all because we believe that all people matter to God and we believe that there is someone out there that needs us to make room for them.


Change is Challenging
Even though we are excited about the opportunity in front of us all, it is still change. So it can be helpful to be reminded of what is staying the same - along with clarity on what will be different, so that we can celebrate both.

What Is Staying the Same

We will still have the same BIG God who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine. Who has always moved in the changes here at The Crossing over the years. 

We will still have the same mission and vision. We are still the place to explore faith and experience the life-changing ways of Jesus; where everyone you bring will feel welcome and able to grow in faith at their own pace. 

We will still have the same excellence and energy. Every service will be engaging and excellent. The content of the services will be the same. You’re not going to have the 9a be hymns with an organ and the 10:30a modern worship. Each service will be the same great experience.

What Is Changing
The service times are changing, obviously. But, start thinking now about your life in January 2025 and which service you want to attend and which one you want to serve in. Picture it and make a plan to keep church as an important part of your life.

Time between services is changing
There will be less time between services. This means parking could be a little trickier between the two most popular services. Baptisms could be happening when you arrive for your service. And because there’s less time between services, there’s more chance of crossing paths with friends who attend the same service AND the one right before or after. It will actually make The Crossing feel even more welcoming.

Event timing is changing
We all love the events we have after services, like baptisms and water play days. Those will change a little. We don’t have all the details yet, but we will still have baptisms and we will still have great things for our TC kids to do!

The importance of your role is changing
We just finished up our series on Ruth where we learned that phrases like “It just so happened…” help us see when God is at work. What we see as coincidences, God sees as His good plan coming together. It “just so happens” that you are here… at the end of 2024… and God is placing an opportunity before each of us at a legacy-creating moment. You may not have been here when this building was built or when Andrew became the Lead Pastor… but you are here, now. And that’s no accident. You are about to have a chance to build into something that will reach 1000s of people and live beyond us. This is a key moment.

How You Can Help

Maybe you haven’t jumped into volunteering or giving or praying yet. Here’s your chance and your invitation because we need YOU. We’re here asking you to step in for the first time. For example, we will need 100 more volunteers to step in, and we need YOU to be a part in order to get to 100. We are asking you to step into praying, volunteering, and giving.

Maybe you are already praying, volunteering, and giving. For you, we’re asking you to step up.  Maybe you volunteer every other week and you can step up to volunteer every week instead. Maybe you already give a tithe, but God may be tapping you on the shoulder now to step up in this season and give more towards this new initiative. There’s no coincidence. We believe God is asking you to step up in praying, volunteering, and giving.

Find out about Volunteering here
Find out about Giving here 
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And please join us in praying that our church would come to believe this verse with greater passion everyday:

God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

Thank you!
